Discover How You Can Extract Thousands From Your Email List Without Spending A Dollar More on Ads

Get the most out of your list with direct-response copy and amazing list management


A good email list is like an automated salesman.
He's there day and night, whether you remember he exists or not.
All he does is talk to the list and churn out sales for you.
You just need the right salesman.
Think of what Steve Jobs was able to do for Apple or Michael Jordan for Nike.
Not just anybody can be the right fit your your business.
Could you imagine a used-car salesman trying to sell yachts?
It wouldn't go well.
You need someone who can understand your business as well as you do and speak your unique brand voice.
You probably can't be the salesman for your own business.
After all, you can't run a business and be in a business at the same time.
You don't have the time to do it yourself.
So you need to outsource it.
The only problem now is, who do I hire?
You can't just trust anybody who claims to be a "copywriter" after watching a couple of videos.
You need someone with impeccable writing. Someone who knows the principles of good direct-response advertising.
Someone who can get you results - the only measurable metric of good advertising.

Are you looking for good advertising?

  • I can help! When working with me, I will work closely with you to synthesize my writing style with your unique brand voice. You won't have to worry about an agency outsourcing the work when you work with me.

  • I am fast. When we set a deadline. I will meet it. Long gone are the days of being ghosted by hired help.

  • I am only a good fit for you if you want to grow your business. If you're fine with where you're at and don't have any revenue goals, we're not a good fit.

  • If you're unsure of where to start, you can get on a free call with me and we can discuss your current strategy.

Click Here to Get In Contact With Me


Depending on your needs, I can help you with any combination of the following

  • Email Copywriting

  • List Management

  • Email Design

  • Funnel Strategy

Check Out This Video to Learn More About the Importance of Retention in Business


I can do just the copywriting or the designs as well

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